Saturday, September 6, 2008


At the risk of sounding like a Tween drunk on wine coolers...I really, REALLY like this guy "Joey". On Wednesday night we went out to a bar in Boystown, and these 2 drunk ass guys next to us kept pestering us, asking if we're a couple and how long we've been dating and all that. It was annoying, but it also got me thinking.

This relationship is still so new, but I already feel so comfortable with him. Maybe it's because of our "history", maybe it's because we have mutual friends, but when I'm near him, I feel a warm, gentle, easy sense of...calm. It always amazes me how another human being is capable of making me so happy, and this one does exactly that.

That probably sounds lame, but it's true. I wish I could express it in a better literary way, but I really can't since it's so new and close. He's cute, smart, attentive, gentle, funny...goofy even. Just this morning while he was getting dressed, he says "oh, I almost forgot my hat" and put my boxers in his head. I nearly melted, but instead I laughed and pulled him near me, and gave him a deep kiss.

This post is totally out of chronological order, but in my defense I'm still a bit hungover. Anyways, on Thursday night I text him and say something cheesy like "I can't wait until our lips meet again". Ugh, I shouldn't drunk text, but I do. But then he responds back "tomorrow we'll make out like our plane is going down". Aaawwwwwww!

OK - I'll stop gushing, as anyone besides me reading this is probably throwing up. But I had to share.


Anonymous said...

!! congrats! reading this made me so happy.

you definitely need to post more details though lol


julian. said...

So happy for you!
More details hah.

VpO said...

That's so cute! Good luck and enjoy yourself!

dan said...

sounds AWESHAWM!!! hey happy big Birthday btw!! later.

Fancy Pants said...

nothing sexier than the right kind of goofy.

S.B. said...

Woot, Woot!

Anonymous said...

Exciting!- never heard you mushy about anyone before. It makes me want to puke, in a good kind of way. I'll have to put him through the Madame Clarice wringer before he gets the full okay,though. Can he handle full discombobulation???

Sam. I. Am. said...

hey! I LOVE wine cooler! Does his stubble not make the skin on your chin and around your mouth itchy or dry? I hate that! Just thought i'd share! And yes, I'm happy for you!

Crap Newsman said...

At first I misread the title as mah mood. As in the Iranian prez.

B said...

Glad things are going well with him!

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

yeah. I almost melted for you reading this. And if that wasn't enough I bladdy well missed my train stop too.

Seriously though - very pleased for you :o)