Monday, January 18, 2010


#1. My inability to rent out the extra bedroom in my apartment. I've tried and tried then REALLY FUCKING tried to rent it out, to no avail.

#2. Chicago experienced a mild Summer in 2009, which led to many to predict that the Winter would be akin to a vicious whore with ice running through it's veins. And thus far, they have been proven right.

#3. My fucking kitchen sink is also pissing me off. I've used way too much $1 Store brand "Liquid-Plummer" to and it's really beginning to piss me off when I can't get through 1 load of dished (hand washed) before the sink is full. Ugh.

#4. When I smoke outside on my porch I can see across a few yards to the next apartment building. They can too. There is this woman who tries to rock a trench coat that seems to stare at me, or rather burn holes through my skull from this "rival" porch.

#5. Cigarettes are more expensive than crack now. Did you know that? I don't smoke crack, never have, probably never will, but seriously, Cigarettes are retarded pricey. Quitting is my new imperative [I went 10 hours and only smoked 1 today!].

#6. The theater groupie that lived above me for 2+ years just moved out and didn't have the sense of decency to knock on my door and say "hey...take care!" or something similarly awkward. What is "smacks fist on forehead-ish" is that 2, instead of 1 theater groupie moved in. 'Nuff said.

#7. It's Monday and I still have no firm date for when my new job starts. It should be sometime this week, provided the city of Chicago's building permit people get their shit together.

#8. A complete and total lack of any sort of romantic attachment is totally getting me down. For real. Even having a prospect would be great, but alas...

#9. Perhaps this goes without saying...but the 'ol fucked up shoulder is STILL giving me issues. And since I have an aversion to both pain killers and Advil-ish shit, I'm "grinning" and baring the pain.

#10. R.I.P. Aunt Karen.


Dean Grey said...

Ah, Justin.

As the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours."

You just have to learn to love the rain. And yeah, that makes absolutely no sense here but I just wanted to add it anyways.

I hope the high price of cigarettes combined with your lack of funds forces you to quit that nasty habit once and for all!

Everything else will work itself time.

Be patient boy!


Bubby said...

Awesome blog, thanks it makes for great reading as i explore this whole new world i find myself in.

KYLE said...

I just randomly found your blog, I like it! Sounds like you need a shoulder massage and a cigarette! ;-)

dan said...

"advil-ish".. ha ha.