Sunday, January 11, 2009


So last night I was standing out in front of my building, having a smoke and watching the snow when a short girls stops in front of me and says "Justin?"

Holy shit! This girl, whom I'll call Becca, is an old friend of mine from high school. I've known her for, I dunno, 12 years or so. She dated 2 of my best mates (jeez, I think I watched too much BBC yesterday) and "starred" in my first student film. I haven't seen her in over 8 years. And get this...she's been living in my apartment building for 6 months! RANDOM!

Long time readers will know Becca as "Female Friend With Really Long Hair" from this post. Yeah, THAT GIRL that practically outed me to a roomful of people. If you have no idea what I'm referring to and you want to read some classic Guy From Chicago, click here.

Oh man, do we have some catching up to do!


Anonymous said...

off post, Is Chicago that corrupt or what? Laughing stock of the country, unfortunately...

Anonymous said...

It isn't just that Chicago is corrupt, it's that Chicagoans seem to take such pride in the fact that Chicago is so corrupt. How else can you explain electing so many corrupt folks in such a short time? I mean, the Governor's office alone seems to be a training ground for bribing public officials (and that was the case before the current incumbant!).

JUSTIN said...

I am as embarrassed as anyone over the political scandals that took/take place in this city and state. However I have chosen not to blog about them for several reasons, the main one being is that this is not a political blog. There are plenty others out there, please direct your comments there.

Thomas said...

Had I been you in that situation, and remembering what she did, I probably would have ignored her completely...