Friday, December 7, 2007


Unlike some people, I am not giving up on blogging (I love ya T and always will, if not for you this blog would not exist) but have decided to take an ever so brief hiatus.

Fear not..once I return from my trip to NYC I am sure I will have plenty to write about.

That being said the day I get back home my Mom will be staying with me, which is a slightly more than minor occurrence seeing as the last time my Mom visited here for the holidays, Bill Clinton was still in office (seriously).

And once she leaves I will be preparing for my XXX-Mas Party Throw's gonna be a busy next 10 days or so and likely not conducive to blogging.

Fuck, it's almost 12:30AM in my time zone and I haven't even packed my bags yet - I need to get going!

However, I am enjoying sipping Polish beer and watching Matt Damon kick serious ass in one of the Bourne films (the Roomie has yet to watch all of the Bourne Identity).

I am a lazy man of action...


Anonymous said...

and what the hell are we supposed to do without you?

Anonymous said...

hope you have a great time.
- eliot

B said...

Enjoy your hiatus and have a good trip!

dan said...

you're the bourne stud, finding me on myspace like that.
hope you had a great NYC weekend man, will look fer ya online. later