Sunday, July 1, 2007


In the past I have refrained from blogging in detail about my sexual exploits, and will likely continue to refrain from doing so in the future; I have always thought that if one is seeking to read in detail about someones sexual exploits there is a plethora of other websites from which to glean such stories. Having said that this one detail is too noteworthy not to boast about.

Before heading out the door to meet Marco and his friend for drinks I repeated this mantra to myself, "I will keep it in my pants tonight, I will keep it in my pants tonight".

Since Marco brought his friend I brought one of mine and we drank a few beers, and after my 4th Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA (best beer ever!), Marco's friend abruptly left, (a quick aside, Marco's friend asked me what my nationality was and I replied that I'm German. Earlier in the day I got my hair buzzed off again, and he remarked that I could pass as "one of Hitler's Youth". Was that some sort of back-handed compliment? Weird).

Anyways, I really wasn't feeling the vibe from Marco. And my buddy gave me the outsiders perspective, which is that we just don't seem to mesh well. I don't disagree, though I like hanging out with him in general. Still, the 3 of us went back to my friends place, had some drinks and smooooked a little. It was getting late and since neither myself nor Marco drove we walked back to my place.

My plan of action of action was just to hang out, sober up a bit and bid goodnight to Marco. After turning on the TV he asked me to turn it off stating "no, we should just talk". I knew what would happen if I did, but he protested and I complied.

Talking quickly turned into making out, which quickly turned into him on his knees in front of me.Since this progression took place in under 1 minute I didn't have a chance to put down the beer I was holding. This might make sense if I add that I have a big, and rather comfy leather couch but since I was in the middle seat I couldn't reach the end table.

Not wanting to interrupt Marco I leaned back and got a statisfying blowjob while sipping the beer in my right hand. Had there been a steak in my left hand I could have died happy right there and then.

In retrospect I'm glad that I did not, in fact, have a steak in my left hand, because had I died I would not have been able to wake up today and watch "Rebel Without a Cause", read the Sunday paper or watch the Cubs beat the living shit out of the Milwaukee Brewers.

It's good to be alive.


jay said...

DAMN! That was HOT! From the second you both were heading over the your place, it was a done deal. LOL.

You're definitely more "alive" than me! LOL>

Anonymous said...

Dayum! what a life you lived that night. You still got it in ya.

S.B. said...

Hahaha. Thats awesome.

Chicago's Bi Guy said...

Man Justin I need to take some tips from you. You're the only man I know that says "I will keep it in my pants tonight, I will keep it in my pants tonight".
and still end up getting lucky. I just hope you where not a selfish lover (wink, wink)

Anonymous said...

amazing - all I got to say