Monday, June 25, 2007


Laughing. Flirting, Smoking. Drinking. Sweating. Kissing. Dancing. Cursing. Cleaning. Sleeping. Running. Dreaming. RAWKING. More kissing.

That more or less sums up the weekend I just had. When it's not Monday and by brains starts working again I will post additional observations/thoughts.

There is one memory that stands out right now. Before the Pride Parade started up an attractive Chicago Cop wearing short shorts rode down Broadway Avenue, honking the horn on his little ATV and waving like a proper Prom Queen. Adorable.

I love this city.


Chicago's Bi Guy said...

I'm glad you had a great time... That's what Chicago is all about.

jay said...

Sounds like one of those weekends that deserves a LONG blog entry. DETAILS DETAILS. And no, I don't mean the magazine.