Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Today Roomie and I had a very productive morning; she feed her friend's cat, I got my glasses adjusted, library (so excited to read "Secret Historian"), cleaned, etc, whatever. Also emptied our mailbox for the first time since Friday. Holy Shit. Our mail person must hate us.

Anyways, in regards to my recent troubles, I received no less than 18 letters from attorneys seeking to represent me. Thanks...but no thanks. I already have an attorney on retainer. It disturbs me that the State of Illinois apparently sells lists of people they charge with crimes to marketing firms, that then in turn re-sell that information to other marketing firms. Fucking Assholes.

I should know. I used to work for a company that did something very similar. And I hate them. A cruel irony, indeed. But FUCK them. Who knew there exists a cottage industry of feeding off of others misfortune. Perhaps I'm simply that naive.

PS - My new banker is smoking cute. Tall, skinny, dark hair, right up my alley. And he lives near the bar I work at. Random, I know. What a strange week. "First round is on me" were my parting words to him today. And I meant it. Am I a vulture too?


Anonymous said...

must be a miserable job, working some marketing job that takes advantage of peoples' legal problems in Chicagoland. Ugh. So gross.

j.lee said...

Your not a vulture, you just need to get off to relieve some pressure.

Dean Grey said...

Justin, you ding-a-ling!

Reread the post that comes immediately before this one.

"First round is on me" should never leave your lips if you're smart.


dan said...

hey justin, I'm hoping many better things for you in 2011. hang in there!