Wednesday, February 25, 2009


When I got home today from running around I spotted an envelop with my name on it sitting on the floor near my mailbox. Since the mailboxes in my place are so old, anything marked "do not bend" is simply left on the floor. Thank Gawd the mail carrier didn't bend this particular envelope, as it contained a crisp 8x10 of the image below:

Devyn is a photographer I've been following for a few years now. He used to be based in Chicago but now resides in the splendor that is NYC. He's also a talented bastard and even better, a really nice guy I had the distinct pleasure of meeting last year. Do yourself a favor and follow his photo-blog HERE

Of his many urban-centric subjects are these SICK images of those security grates pulled over store fronts at night, and the interplay between said barrier and the neon lighting behind. The image above was and still is my favorite of this on-going series...and I am STOKED to have a print to hang in my home. THANKS DEV!

In related news, I've decided to re-focus on my long dormant photo-blog, URBS IN HORTO starting tomorrow. This was my first, and rather modest attempt at starting a blog, one which preceded Guy From Chicago. 

This re-found energy is a direct result of St. Louis friend "Cloudy" graciously gifting a digital camera to replace mine that died many months ago. Don't expect anything on the level of Devyn's work; my hope is to create a decent image every so often. At the least, I need to get my "eye" back in the game of visually capturing this city.


Anonymous said...

Justin, thanks for the plug... Glad I chose your favorite shot.

You just got this? I sent it in December... Gotta love that speedy USPS.

Anonymous said...


Brief walking tour of the Loop was fab.

Your digilicious photos will rawk.

Dean Grey said...

Beautiful photo!

I checked out Devyn's website and he does AMAZING work. Very colorful and lively for sure.

I'll have to purchase one of his pics myself.

Thanks, Justin, for sharing the photo and where you got it from!
