Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Ah yes, Thanksgiving. That time of year when Americans drink too much, eat even more and take stock of their lives and realize how damn lucky they are. Or at least most of us Yanks do. That might sound like some sort of an indictment of the American populace, but really it is anything but. We live incredibly "fast" lives and rarely are offered a respite from the madness to reflect.

Thankfully, since my office closed at 2:30PM this afternoon (thanks bossman! Oh, and sorry for coming in an hour late this morning. It's all the Roomie's fault, she kept me up until 3:30AM watching Friday Night Lights) I have been afforded the opportunity to relax and think about the things I am thankful for. Here is a brief list:

1. My amazingly laid back family who didn't blink an eye when I came out to them this year. I love you all so very much.

2. My diverse assortment of friends, both old and new, near and far (you know who are). I am blessed to know so many AWESOME people. You color my life with happiness (and put up with my shit).

3. My health, which remains intact despite the curve balls I throw at it.

4. My, modest income that allows me to live a life that 98% of the world's population would kill for (or in certain instances would kill me for).

5. My apartment which literally and figuratively provides me shelter from many a storm.

6. My sexy Japanese car which elicits a smile from me each and every time I twist the key (except for that one time back in June when it refused to start for no apparent reason).

7. My ears which have been flooded with a vast array of music, this year in particular in which I saw so many sick shows. Musically, this year fucking Rawked. Woot!

8. My city, which despite it's many flaws, is my eternal home/playground. Chicago, you are my heart and one of these days I will get a Chicago flag tattooed on the base of my neck. Promise!

9. My penis, for obvious reasons (haha)

10. My blog, which has surpassed my extremely modest expectations and allowed me to meet and/or chat with so many interesting people (see #2).

There are, of course, other things for which I am thankful (like Grady Sizemore), but you get the drift. Oh, I should also note that I am extremely thankful that I will not be spending any time whatsoever stuck on a tarmac at O'Hare or a congested lane on the Kennedy.

Although it would have been great to see my parents on this holiday, and could have bankrupted myself doing so (seriously, $600 to fly to phoenix? Huh?) but I am glad to share dinner tomorrow with my brother and his girlfriend (who is doing the cooking for us boys).

Other plans this weekend include being a host to not one, but two very near and dear friends of mine from high school who I have offered my bed do (fuck, I need to wash my sheets). Also, I will be consuming copious amounts of Pabst Blue Ribbon and then burning that off at the gym.

Finally, I will be putting together what might very well be my "piece de renaissance" (see SSD - I know some French!) the XXX-Mas Tree, which may or may not require a trip to the confession box at the Catholic Church down the street ("forgive me father, for I have fashioned a dildo into an angel tree topper").

That about does it. Seeing as it's 5 o'clock on the eastern seaboard, I think it's about time for some PBR!

I hope everyone has a tremendously excellent Thanksgiving (or at the least does not get into any fistfights with family members).


Devyn said...

#9 is always a good thing to be thankful for. The rest of your list is great as well. Have an awesome holiday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin:

I don't know you, have never met you, but do live in the same wonderful city as you.

I would like to take this time to tell you (on this Thanksgiving eve) that I am thankful for the "Guy From Chicago" blog. I visit your site every couple of days and find your perspective on life interesting and entertaining.

Best wishes to you this holiday and thanks for all you do!


W said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a blast, eat a lot of turkey, drink and make merry. It's a wonderful holiday.

Matt in Argyle said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Good for you for remembering that it is about more than just turkey. Thank being said, enjoy the Turkey!

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Happy Thanksgiving Jus.

AND Roomie: I'm sure she's lurking around.. Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

You coulda fooled me with the French.

I love the list of things your thankful for. You joker :o)

Steven said...

I doubt you saw any today being in the city, but it was nice to see a decent layer of snow on the ground this morning with a morning snow shower in the northern burb.

Hope you're able to fend off the tryptophan!

S.B. said...

Justin...little late than never, but HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

Hope the tree came out extra dirrtttyyy.