Thursday, November 1, 2007


Back in early June my Roomie embarked on her ambitious trip to Peru to survey an ancient city. Her excitement was mirrored by my own, as her opportunity to experience life in another country, utilizing her educational skill set, was echoed my chance to live life as a single, gay, urban bachelor with a huge place to myself. With the exception of her brief return home in mid-August, we have continued on our respective journeys for the better part of five months. That being said, we are set to reunite in less than 48 hours, and although I cannot speak for her, I for one am ecstatic about her imminent return.

Don't get me wrong, I have loved nearly every minute of having the run of the house; I can stay up late watching TV in my boxers, leaving my debris about the place and living a nefarious existence that I have dreamed of since the advent of my adolescence. However, I have also had the burden of caring for two temperamental felines that are not my own, not to mention the watering of a dozen plants that seem to dislike me me as much as said felines (oh, and she is way better at submitting our rent check in a timely manner).

However, I have also been living in a 900+ square foot apartment in a desirable location and only paying half the rent, so these minor inconveniences are exactly that: minor and rather inconsequential [ed: with the notable exception of one of the felines shitting on my bed approximately 15 minutes before a date arrived; might be cute but may you burn in hell for that egregious and flagrant act of uncivil disobedience].

Though we have had many a great (though divergent) experiences, I must state that I am excited for the Roomies return. She is understandably looking forward to living back in the accommodations she is accustomed to...and I am hopeful that I will never have to scoop cat poop from a litter box ever again (really, it's the small things in life that matter most). Above all else, I am positively PSYCHED to have my best friend and confident back in my life on a daily basis.

Ladies and Gentlemen, fasten your seat belts and secure your tray tables...for the return of my co-pilot is drawing near.


Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Haha, I'm hoping 'Roomie' will keep your mind occupied and help steer you away from recent events.

But hell you gotta admit it.. for a cat Pippen sure as one hellava sense of humour. I'm LMAO.

Steven said...

But now how long will it take you to clean up all your "debris" to make the apartment presentable again? :-)

Glad your confidant will be back. Make her a nice sit-down dinner. She'll like that better than Mia Francesca's.

B said...


nickabouttown said...

Just be thankful it was number 2 and not number 1. The one time my dear 17 year old cat did that was the last time she was allowed in the bedroom unattended. The lil-bitch... :)

Anonymous said...

I lub you, Scrubby!!!!!


p.s. I ate a guinea pig this week.

Anonymous said...

you can't watch TV in your boxers when the roomie is home? what's with that?

K said...

If you wanted company this whole could have had my nasty-ass roommate!

You shoulda let me know! HAHA!


I predict you will be wanting to strangle her pretty little guinea pig-eating neck in less than a week. Ten days tops.

Welcome home, blondie!