Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Every so often I hit upon some magical confluence of body and mind where everything seems to fall into place, and right now is one of those times. The only way I can explain my current state of being other than that I just feel good. And not just for a few brief moments when I eat something really good or have an orgasm or spin the needle on the tachometer on my car to 7500 RPM. This is not fleeting well being, but rather an overall feeling of well being.

There are many potential reasons why I feel this way; the bat-shit insane heat has generally abated, I've gone to the gym every other day for the last week now (finally back on track), I've been kicking ass at work (one client went so far as to reply to an e-mail I sent to tell me "you are so sly"), I've added another gig of quality music to my digital library and most importantly, I'm about to turn 28!

Some people seem to lament their age but right now I'm embracing it with open arms. Never in my life have I ever felt more alive or more satisfied on a day to day basis. Used to be that little bumps in the road of life would get me down or impede my progress, but today, I can honestly state that this is no longer the case. Whereas I previously would stress about the small things, now I just roll with the punches and shake 'em off.

This is not to say that I am bullet-proof, mentally or physically. That being said, there has been a subtle shift in my mindset that has allowed me to grow, perhaps even thrive in some respects. My mental/physical faculties seem to precede whatever obstacle(s) that may confront me. Fuck, today at work I found myself sitting at my desk and humming some random tune. This is the very definition of what I call "word-ness".

It feels good to be alive...


J.R. said...

Awe-some. This post makes me happy.

Nothing Golden Stays

jay said...

Has someone been dipping in the "special" sauce?

Wow, you do sound really chipper. I'm glad.

Look its a bird, no, it's a straight man, nope it's SuperJustin!

Able to leap any challenge in a single bound.

Excellent bud.

dan said...

sounds like you are on the UP and UP dude... keep it going, I need to get back to that routine of gym every other day again too...I'll admit I don't get too much of thrill revving up the ford ranger. ha

S.B. said...

Awesome man. I have to say, getting back into the gym routine does release some pretty cool endorphines and shit.

Plus, I am sure it helps a little that the Cubs are still in first place.

W said...

Fantastic. I love the light feeling that being happy for no apparant reason brings in its wake.

Life can be good.

Soul Seared Dreamer said...


Your post just made me smile - its nice to see someone so happy.

Anonymous said...

I hate to gloat (no I don't), Justin, but my Astros just spanked the Cubs and I was there! But, alas, the Cubbies are in first, and my dis-Astros are in last. After the series, I will revert back to my new persona of being a Cubs fan!


The [Cherry] Ride said...

Good for you!
And I like the new look.