After the failure of a potential relationship with the guy I was seeing (he even invoked the lame "it's not you, it's me" dreaded excuse) I met another guy, whom I will refer to as "Juan". This began as a purely sex driven situation, in that we were both looking for a fuck buddy. God, the sex has been amazing, as I'm sure the neighbors can attest to.
That being said, I'm starting to have feelings towards this guy, and I suspect as much from him. My major issue is that he is young, only 23, and I don't know if I really want or am able to support an actual relationship at this time. However, he's fun, sweet and cute, so it's hard (no pun intended) to turn down.
Every time he comes over, he stays the night; after sex we cuddle and wake each other up with little kisses. He also likes to wear my clothes. Which is odd since he is much taller than I am, but whatever, it's all good. Even with the retarded heat we have been experiencing, it's so nice to fall asleep next to a guy.
Feel free to puke.
[Enter cliche here] Oh - and he speaks fluent French. I didn't know how hot that could be!
no puking, total jealousy here.
yeah... a little puke in my mouth...hehehe enjoy the hell out of it while you can!!!
Great!! Couldn't happen to a better guy! Just enjoy the time you have together. Let nature take it's course. Good luck!!
Embrace and see what happens. The best moments of our lives are experienced when we least expect it (or want it). You can't plan everything.
On a related note, how are you meeting all these boys?!
It sounds like the old Justin is back.
Too bad, dear.....
I can relate...not to the having sex part but the failing potential relationship part...haha It sounds like you have a good thing going here. This guys sounds like a happy distraction or maybe more. Just do what feels good!
It seems like more of a relationship day by day...he's planning on making me a big steak dinner on Friday.
did you mean a tube steak dinner!! ;-)
(had to do it)
damn bud hot enough with this weather can't imagine the heat with the new friend. good to hear you got some happy times going on though. later.
I love you but PLEASE update your blog; this information is SO two weeks ago. ;)
Congrats Justin! Take it for what it is right now: Hot, steamy sex,(who doesn't love that) and just see where it goes. Minimal expectations lead to minimal heartbreak.
p.s. Does 'Juan' speak french AND Spanish? :)
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