Sunday, September 30, 2007


Wikipedia defines data mining as "the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown, and potentially useful information from data" and "the science of extracting useful information from large data sets or databases".

I should know, I work in an industry that utilizes such techniques for marketing purposes. Usually demographic information is limited to easily identifiable data sets including age, income, geography, gender, etc.

The reason I mention this is that last night, while stumbling home from a night out I realized I forgot to check my mailbox. After fumbling with the tiny key, I opened my mailbox and found a letter marked "OUT". It was an offer to subscribe to said magazine (at the low, low introductory rate of $7.97 a year).

My initial thought was "how in the hell did they track me down and identify me as a 'Mo"? I cannot think of any way someone can be targeted based on their sexuality (and if one can be, I want to know how). Really, this would be quite an advance in data mining capabilities.

Of course, I mostly find this amusing, but let's just say I received this letter in the mail 3 years ago, when I was still in the closet and living at home. I would have been mortified! I probably would have burned the fucking letter, or at least buried it deep in the trash (after shredding it).

This isn't like being hunted down by Details (of which I subscribe to) or even Men's Vogue (those people are hot on my trail). I suppose there are some straight men that read OUT, but they must be the exception within their circulation.

Anyone else out there read OUT? Is it worth my time? I already subscribe to 5 other magazines in addition to getting the Chicago Tribune 4 times a week. And I always pick up the Chicago Reader. And read a ton of blogs. It's a lot to digest, but OUT could potentially make an interesting addition to my existing subscriptions. If anything else, I know the Roomie would read it.

And if I do subscribe, do I check the box that would require it to be sent to me in plastic wrap to obscure the cover? Heaven forbid my neighbors find out about me! Haha, actually, I think it would be shady getting a magazine with a wrap on it...I don't want them thinking I subscribe to Penthouse or Hustler!


jay said...

It's quite simple. If you buy stuff with you credit/debit card whether online or in a store, the bank has the info.

The bank has marketing partners with whom they share your information with.

Read the fine print lol.

Matt in Argyle said...

Out is an ok magazine. It has some interesting stuff in it. Personally I get it via download, mainly because I would die if I had it delivered and my parents were to find it.

S.B. said...

Must be your memberships to all of those gay porn sites. ;)

Soul Seared Dreamer said...

Actually Billy is kind of right.

For instance, Microsoft is notorious at uploading information from people's PCs. They build a profile depending on sites you frequent and many companies make use of the purchases you make to do a similar thing. Unless you are really computer savvy and have programs like 'Tracks Eraser Pro' on your computer, they'll profiled you already.

nickabouttown said...

I just stumbled on your blog, so pardon me if I say anything stupid. :)

It might depend on where you live in Chicago. If you're anywhere near Boystown, I bet any sort of transaction in those neighborhoods may get you flagged for gayness. Plus, I do not know who publishes Details, but it may be the same company as Out.

As far as the mag itself, I don't really like it. It is a bit snooty for my tastes. I do have a subscription to Instinct, which I do like a lot.

It may just be something random, too. I get stuff from AARP, but dammit, I am only 32! :-)

dan said...

nah, you're fine without it.
unless you plan on becoming circuit party boy real soon. ha

David said...

I miss the Chicago Reader. The LA 'burbs have nothing interesting to read. And when I do venture into LA, I find nothing as good as the great Chicago Reader.
