Although I would LOVE to regale you loyal readers with fantastic tales of uninhibited awesomeness, the real story is that my life, with still quite fulfilling, has been dull as of late. And I like it! I work, come home, have a beer, watch something on Netflix and fall asleep (often sitting up in the chair I am writing this in). BUT - that's OK!
Work hasn't been kicking my ass, as much as I have been kicking it. However, the schedule is all over the goddamned place; late nights and early mornings, often with less than 8 hours between the two. Couple that with the lack of sunlight, the ridiculous winter we've been enduring in Chicago...I have been eating like a champ and hibernating.
There are reasons, I think for my wanting time alone. The last few years have been FUCKING HELL. Unemployment, dealing with my DUI, my weird EX that I don't care if I ever hear from again. And I know other people have/had it harder than myself, but that doesn't discount the stress I have been under. Perhaps I bore the load more than I had too...
I believe I am slowly, yet surely turning over a new page. Easing into being myself, as it were. For better or worse, I am an efficient, dysfunctional human being that honestly loves the place I am in right now. Could I improve myself more actively? Perhaps, but that's not something a gym membership, sobriety nor a boyfriend can provide.
As I get older, I am more ME. And if some people don't appreciate that, well...go Fuck Yourself. That's not to say I don't value different points of view; in fact I seek and entertain them. Everyone has a voice. And should express it in any form possible. To me, THAT is attractive. Not necessarily in a "sexual" way, just being human.
Dude, wait til you get to your later 40's and 50's. For all the grief of getting older, there is an unbelievable amount of self-acceptance that arrives. I fought the idea of getting older for a long time, and once you start accepting that you cannot stop the clock, you understand that there is alot of power in being able to tell people to fuck off if they don't get you. LOL. Good for you for getting in on it early. Happy to hear that you're in a good place!