Sunday, August 5, 2012


In the past I barely gave even a passing thought to the shit that came out of my mouth, and even here when I write I don't hesitate to drop the f-bomb, and it's NEVER for dramatic effect. It's just how I talk...but lately my way of communication seems to offend people, and I don't know why. 

It's not like I say "fuck" in front of little kids or little old ladies. Awareness of my situation has always and will be something I sill stay true to. But even then, some people will be offended when I say "Jesus Christ" or "Oh my fucking God". 

My intention isn't to offend anyone's religious beliefs; it's how I was raised and my environment. But it's also not entirely sub-conscious. I will use certain words for dramatic effect, if the situation begs for it. Like if I stub my toe (frequent) or on the business end of a crazy phone call. 

There is a place for words.  


  1. I don't mean to judge but dropping the F bomb in public is very rude. Sorry, I think you could do better. When people hear you they immediately think of you as a low life. Is that what you want? I have been reading and enjoying your blog and feel like you are a great guy. I would try to break that habit.

  2. All good man, just my sense of humor. Sarcasm tends not to travel well via words.
