Obviously, it's H-O-T, let's get that out of the way. Also, that Summer is my my least favorite season, always been, always will be (probably). Although I do enjoy living in a place with changing seasons, Chicago tests you in ways that I don't think other places do. The wild swings in temperature, humidity, wind, rain (or lack thereof) is enough to drive any sane person nuts...or provide them with the wherewithal to fucking deal.
Anyways, beyond the above disclaimer, here goes...
1. It's FUCKING HOT, (ugh)
2. No matter how thoroughly I clean, my apartment always seems dirty.
3. The job search, ugh - don't get me started.
4. I miss my family, in particular my parents.
5. Being so close, yet so far with being done with the DUI shit.
6. Bus Tracker can suck my fat cock.
7. Live shows have been...unexciting.
8. Tobacco prices have gone up (yes, I know, I should quit).
9. This washing machine that wants to destroy my clothes.
10. Have not gone swimming even once (my fault).
Did I mention it's hot? That, I acknowledge is no ones fault, that being said, my brain just doesn't work in this heat. I pine, nor, get a fucking (mental) boner thinking about Fall, or shivering while waiting for the bus, instead of sweating profusely. Plus, I hate wearing shorts, so there's a fashion angle.
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