After much soul searching, pondering and thoughtful analysis, I have decided that I need to continue this forum, not for feedback, but rather to provoke me to put words to paper, or rather - type away at random when something totally AWESOME or RANDOM happens in my life.
Both of those adjectives can describe my life as of late. In good and bad ways, but mostly good. And I'd prefer to document them as opposed to these thoughts be lost forever. I won't promise the shit I write will be "titillating" going forward, but...I realized how helpful it is to get certain things off my mind.
I'm over what people think of me. Good or bad...if you like what I write, thank you, if you don't, fuck off. That all being said, I hope someone out there appreciate minor life insights to my life, and I really like yours too.
Guy From Chicago
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I'm glad your back. Its always a sad day when one of the gay bloggers, be they the life-story kind like you or the hardcore-sex-story like some others leaves/gets shut down. So I am glad you decided to come back. Thanks! Keep up the writing.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I'm glad your back. Its always a sad day when one of the gay bloggers, be they the life-story kind like you or the hardcore-sex-story like some others leaves/gets shut down. So I am glad you decided to come back. Thanks! Keep up the writing.