Where to begin. Well, for one thing, "T" randomly visited me a at work yesterday. I'm not big on surprises, but that was an awesome one. He only stayed for a bit, we shared a smoke and made out in the alley like teenagers. That cute fucker left me with a massive boner. And I was wearing skinny jeans! So insensitive. But AWESOME.
Also, in last night news, I had my iPhone plugged into the sounds system behind the bar, and I tripped on the cord, smashing the glass on the face of said phone. Sucks, however it's over 3 years old, so I ordered up a new one today from AT&T...for 99 cents. Fucking awesome. I even sprang for priority shipping for an extra $5.
I decided to stay home for the holidays; roommate is flying to Poland for 12 days or so (broken ankle and all, but that's another story) and I elected not to join my family-in-law in rural Michigan. And "T" will be in Florida, so it's going to be a quiet one, but I'm really looking forward to it. Can you pronounce "Stay-Cation"?
My only complaint, as I see it, is that the fucking sun has decided to ignore the Chicagoland area this entire week. I'm drinking copious amounts of orange juice to compensate. Also, making out with boys and letting me fuck them. And working my ass off...and taking care of my roommate (she fucked her ankle swing dancing) and dealing with plumbing issues that I won't go into detail about here.
Basically, what I'm getting at, is as the year draws to an end, I hope you and yours had a good one (I didn't) and that next year is WAY BETTER than this one. I'm going to spend the next few days resting my body and my mind, and establishing goals for the next year. The least of which is not working in a fucking bar anymore.
So...H-A-P-P-Y-H-O-L-I-D-A-Y-S. Let's make 2012 a good one!
Justin, I hope you also have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! I agree we all need a great 2012!!
ReplyDeleteI am glad things are looking up. I am not going home for Christmas either. My house mate and I are going to cook, curl up on the couch, spoon and watch Christmas movies.
ReplyDeleteJustin, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year . I hope you're having a great staycation and in control of each new day, cheers! dan
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoyed your down time dude!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your "me" time. I'll be celebrating NYE with the Drive By Truckers. That's right.